
Maxime Lenormand

What the Heck are Radar Satellites Images anyways?

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey there,

I've teased this multiples times in the previous issues of this newsletter, it's finally time to share it to the world! I spent the last 6 months -when I wasn't working the jobs that actually pays the bills & running the podcast- making a video to answer 1 simple question:

How the heck do radar satellites images work?

And here's the answer:

video preview

That's it, that's the email today.

For real, there is some sick 3D animation, even more 2D animation and even freakin' LEGO stop motion. If that doesn't get you excited about radar satellites, I don't know what will


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Maxime Lenormand

I was asked to give bio for a conference. It wasn't approved, but here nobody can stop me: "Maxime Lenormand doesn't have a clue what he's doing with his life: at the moment he plays around with satellite imagery hoping to make something useful out of it. When he's not doing that he asks people long winded questions about the meaning of life, what books they like and how the heck they ended up also playing with maps all day"

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